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Wednesday, 12/4/2024, 6:30 PM

The Aldie Heritage Association (AHA) urges you to attend an important public meeting on Wednesday, December 4th, 6:30 at the Aldie United Methodist Church (39325 Little River Turnpike). The meeting will focus on the future of Aldie Village and its surrounding area.

AHA has been working with County staff and the Loudoun Historic Village Alliance (LHVA) to design a planning process aimed at protecting our precious rural village. We now have the opportunity not only to protect Aldie, but also to advocate for zoning modifications that protect it in the future. At the same time, the goal is to encourage small-scale commercial outlets (restaurants, coffee shops, general stores, professional services offices) that serve the needs of Aldie residents.

This is part of Loudoun County's program to create "Small Area Plans" (SAPs) for the County's historic rural villages, of which Aldie is a leading example. The SAPs are a blueprint for future development of the village areas, and are being prepared at the same time that the County is starting a two-year process to revise the Zoning Ordinance for Loudoun's rural west, which includes Aldie.

This is our chance to be heard-- to influence the planning process. We have found that our participation really makes a difference. When we engage with County planning initiatives and work to make our voices heard, we really have some clout.

So-- please join us at the Aldie UMC on December 4th at 6:30, when the Loudoun Historic Village Alliance will present an overview of how the Small Area Plan process will work, and how your voices can be heard. This is your chance to protect the place we love and to make it even better!

Also, if you love history and preserving landscapes, consider joining AHA, an organization created by your friends and neighbors who love where we live and want to make it even better. Please contact me if you want to join or have any questions.

Aldie Heritage Association
Gene Gulland, President

Important Meeting about Aldie Village Future

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